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Slow update speed on Kali Linux

How to fix slow update speed on Kali Linux ? Not only you but most people face this problem after installing Kali Linux. Though the solution is much simpler than you think. You just have to update your mirrors in Kali Linux Open terminal and type sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list You can use any text editor you want (like vim) After this your sources.list file will open  deb kali-rolling main non-free contrib deb-src kali-rolling main non-free contrib Just add above two lines. Delete any previous sources (if exist) otherwise you will get duplicate sources error when you will run update command next time.

Extract option missing

Extract option missing in contextual menu You just have to install ark to fix this issue. Ark is a graphical file compression/decompression utility with support for multiple formats, including tar, gzip, bzip2, rar and zip, as well as CD-ROM images. Ark can be used to browse, extract, create, and modify archives. sudo apt-get install ark This will install ark and add options in your contextual menu

Screen Tearing in Linux

How to solve screen tearing issue in Linux Unfortunately for Linux fans, screen tearing is, and has been, a persistent annoyance that doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. Though most of the distributions don't face this kind's of problem. But, some of the distributions still face such kind of problems. NVIDIA This isn’t the only solution for NVIDIA, and there are certainly situations that it doesn’t apply to, but it’s one of the better options, and it doesn’t rely on NVIDIA’s graphical utility that doesn’t always play nice with desktop environment configurations. To start, you’ll need to enable setting for the NVIDIA DRM module (modsetting). Start by making a configuration file in the modprobe directory. sudo touch / etc / modprobe.d / nvidia-nomodset.conf Open that file with your favorite text editor, and insert the following line: options nvidia-drm modset = 1 Update your kernel’s initramfs to apply your change. sudo update-initramfs -u When

Ubuntu PPA's in Debian

How to use Ubuntu PPA's in Debian Ubuntu is the most popular Linux distribution in the world. As a result, it enjoy's more third party support than most other distributions, including Ubuntu's parent, Debian. Ubuntu packages don't always work on Debian. Actually, more often than not, there's some kind of problem running or installing them. Plus, Debian isn't really set up to interact with Ubuntu PPAs. Install the Dependencies Before you start, there are a couple of general build dependencies that you'll need. Of course, you need the general build tools, plus some Debian packaging scripts. # apt install build-essential devscripts That's really all! You might need some specific dependencies for the package that you want, but that'll be later. Add the Source PPA Next, you'll need to find a PPA that you want to use. Most Ubuntu PPAs have a section where you can view the actual  deb  and  deb-src  records. On Launchpad, it's under a m

Installing ADB & Fastboot on Linux

How to install ADB & Fastboot on Linux  Android developers as well as Android phone explorers are well aware of the term ADB & Fastboot. Both of these are extremely useful & necessary tools required Android development or for rooting the android phone. ADB or Android Debug Bridge, is a command line utility that let’s us control an android device from the computer itself. It’s part of Google Android SDK & can be used to run shell commands or to copy the files to & from the device & also to install or remove the applications from device. Fastboot is basically a diagnostics mode that is used to modify the Android file system from computer when the android device is in bootloader mode. It’s an alternative to recovery mode & is normally used to perform updates or to perform installations. Installation To install both the ADB & Fastboot, execute the following command from the terminal, $ sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb android-tools-fastbo

How to install missing firmware on Linux

How to install missing firmware on Linux Sometimes you will get an error while upgrading your linux system update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-5.3.0-1parrot1-amd64 W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/i915/icl_dmc_ver1_07.bin for module i915 There are many solutions to fix this problem. The simplest one is to reinstall your linux-firmware (This may not work on every system) $ sudo apt-get --reinstall linux-firmware Sometimes your error will still not get resolved. Then we have to find the modules manually by googling it. Download the module and move it into the firmware directory $ sudo cp ~/Downloads/*.bin /lib/firmware/i915/ $ sudo update-initramfs -u Thats it !

Linux not allowing to READ/WRITE files on another partition

Unable to delete/write files to another partitions Recently I installed Linux on my old laptop which was running Windows 10. Every thing went well as expected. But after a while I realized that I was unable to write or delete files from second partition. So, today I will be telling you how to fix such issues. (This fix also works on if you are getting error while mounting your partition "The disk contains an unclean file system") Open up your terminal and execute the following command sudo ntfsfix /dev/sdXY where XY is the partition (For Eg:- sda2 or sdb2) You can list your following partitions by executing following commmand lsblk Then mount the partition with the following command sudo mount -o rw /dev/sdXY

Installing Linux

First of all let me explain you all that what is Linux?  Just like Windows, iOS, and Mac OS, Linux is an operating system. It is the most popular OS. Android, is powered by Linux. An operating system is software that manages all of the hardware resources associated with your desktop or laptop. To put it simply, the operating system manages the communication between your software and your hardware. Without the operating system (OS), the software wouldn?t function. Why use Linux? This is the one of the most common question most people ask. Why anyone wants to use linux when pre-installed operating systems like windows or macos just works fine? Well first reason to install linux on your machine is because the freedom it gives to user. You can remove or modify every aspect of the operating system, You dont like theme change it and it just not 100 or 200 themes there are 1000s of themes you can try without even paying extra cost. Talking about cost the linux is completely f