Step 1 :- Install Google Docs App from chrome store ( link ) Step 2 :- Now go to chrome://apps Step 3 :- Right Click on DOCS icon and select "create shortcut" Step 4 :- Desktop shortcut must be created now. Click on the DOCS icon. After it is opened click on 3 lines present on top left corner. Go to settings and see if offline mode is enabled. Step 5 :- Now turn off the internet and close the current DOCS window and reopen it from Desktop, see if it works offline. If it works then u r good to go and if it doesn't then follow below steps. Step 6 :- Turn on ur internet and go to chrome settings and search for cookies. Step 7 :- Goto to site Settings and scroll down to cookies and site data Step 8 :- Scroll Down and click on Add button And add " " . Close current tab and turn off internet and open DOCS again. It should load now.
I'm currently using KDE neon and only issue I faced is wifi turning of automatically. So today I will tell you how to fix this issue. This is happening because of power saving mode turned on for wifi adapter. So we will disable it. Open your terminal and type : sudo nano /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/default-wifi-powersave-on.conf After typing above command you will taken to config file Just change the the number from 3 to 2 If this does not solve your problem then you should try restarting network adapter sudo systemctl restart network-manager